Aqua Style Water Beds

and Furniture

Part of Olive Louise Furnishings
07711 614913
Heskin Hall Shopping Village, Wood Lane, Heskin, Chorley, PR7 5PA


Thinking of buying a waterbed? You will be amazed by the benefits for your health…

It is a fact that waterbeds have the capability to practically simulate weightlessness. This is because waterbeds tend to conform to the shape of your body releasing the pressure of your body weight. This type of ‘floating’ can be extremely therapeutic in the treatment of a huge array of varying medical conditions from cystic fibrosis to arthritis to cerebral palsy and rheumatism as well as a whole raft of other conditions.

Three characteristics that make a waterbed purposeful as well as desirable is the sense of weightlessness which means your body floats on top of the bed rather than sinking in at your heaviest pressure points as you would with a traditional mattress. This relieves pressure on many areas of the body especially the joints such as the knees and hips, which takes a percentage of your weight even when you are asleep. Naturally, this pressure relief is beneficial to anyone suffering from life long disabilities and conditions.

The second advantage of a waterbeds for these conditions is the heat given off. This heat has beneficial effects on joints as well as relieving stiff and aching muscles and improving general circulation. People suffering with pain in joints can attain temporary relief from lying on a waterbed compared to a traditional bed. With your body having sleep can have a unwanted effect of the brain. To gain a comfortable night’s sleep can be an immeasurable reward to people who are unable to sleep properly.